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Briefly explained

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The wonderful world of special moments

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  • 645

    10. October 2023

    Barking, Sniffing, Celebrating: World Dog Day is just around the corner! 

    World Dog Day is more than just a mark on your calendar – it's the day to truly celebrate your four-legged friend! For many of us, dogs are more than just pets. They are family members, loyal companions, and often the best comforters on those days filled with rain and tangled shoelaces. But why do we have this special day in the first place? Let's delve into the origins of this day and gather some ideas to celebrate it properly! ...

    Reading Time: 6 Min.

  • 652

    4. October 2023

    World Animal Day: A Wake-Up Call for Us All

    Every October 4th is dedicated to our animal co-inhabitants on this planet. It's World Animal Day, a day that reminds us of the importance of protecting animals and respecting their rights. But why do we need such a day, and what can we do to contribute to animal welfare? ...

    Reading Time: 2 Min.

  • 647

    23. September 2023

    Hop, Hop, Hooray! A Happy International Rabbit Day 

    Fluffy ears, cute snouts, and enchanting hopping motions – rabbits are undoubtedly some of the most charming creatures in the animal kingdom. Every year, there's a special day dedicated just to them: International Rabbit Day. This day not only celebrates the existence of these adorable animals but also highlights the challenges they face in today's world. ...

    Reading Time: 3 Min.

  • 537

    22. September 2023

    World Rhino Day: United Against Poaching and for Conservation 

    Every year on September 22nd, World Rhino Day is celebrated - a special day that draws global attention to the urgent need to protect the five species of rhinos and combat poaching. Rhinos are majestic creatures, representing a distinctive profile in the animal kingdom. Yet, despite their strength and uniqueness, they are endangered. ...

    Reading Time: 4 Min.


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