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Our pets are not merely animals living in our homes. They are an integral part of our families. 

They make us laugh without even trying. Their essence often leaves us in awe, and in their clear gaze lies an affection and loyalty that serves as a silent comfort in our saddest moments. 

In every twist of life, be it in times of triumph or tragedy, they are often our most loyal companions, reminding us that unconditional love exists in its purest form – and when they depart, they leave a vast, painful void in our hearts. 

The Day of Remembering Deceased Pets gives us a chance to pause and reminisce about our animal friends who were once a significant part of our lives. 

While the loss of pets has always been a painful experience for many, the Day of Remembering Pets has only established itself in recent years as a special occasion to honor our beloved companions. It offers a space where animal lovers can come together to share their feelings and pay tribute to their departed pals. 

Dog snout in black and white
© Pixabay –

So light a candle – in memory of your late friend – and let the gentle flicker of the flame remind you of the light they once brought into your life. 

Look at old photos, recall the good times, or take a walk to a place you used to visit together. All of this will help you overcome the pain of loss with warmth and gratitude. 

Even if they are no longer with us, they live on in our memories and hearts.

Fido & Fluffy
Dog and man in the fog
© molochkomolochko –

Ein Wort für die Tiere des Hauses 

Das Tier vermag nicht auszudrücken, 
Was es im Innersten bewegt. 
Doch liest man wohl aus seinen Blicken, 
Was sich in seinem Herzen regt. 
Versteht das Tier auch nicht zu sprechen, 
So merk: Es redet doch mit dir. 
Und wenn des Tieres Augen brechen, 
Fühlst du gewiß: Es spricht mit mir. 
(Georg Jacob Friedrich Paulus Hermann Dechent) 


A Word for the Household Animals 

Animals may not express
What truly stirs within.
Yet in their eyes, you can assess,
The emotions that begin.

Though animals cannot speak,
Take note: they talk to you.
And when an animal’s eyes grow weak,
You surely feel: It’s speaking true.



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