

For the well-being of our pets

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  • 417

    7. January 2024

    Warning Signs: How to Tell if Your Hamster is Sick 

    When you welcome a small, fluffy friend into your home, you take on a big responsibility for its well-being. Hamsters are resilient little creatures, but they can get sick too. It's important to know what to look out for to ensure your hamster stays healthy and happy. In this article, you'll learn how to tell if your hamster is ill and what to do in such cases. ...

    Reading Time: 4 Min.

  • 433

    4. January 2024

    Why You Should Neuter Your Cat 

    Neutering cats is a crucial step towards promoting their health and taking responsibility for the growing cat population. This article sheds light on why neutering is so important for both your cat and society. ...

    Reading Time: 2 Min.

  • 220

    1. January 2024

    A Flea in the House Rarely Comes Alone: How to Make Your Home Flea-Free 

    A single flea is like an uninvited party guest who never arrives alone. Before you know it, your home could become the hotspot of a real flea disco. But don't panic! We'll show you how to successfully get rid of these unwelcome guests. ...

    Reading Time: 3 Min.

  • 317

    12. December 2023

    Cat Disease FORL: A Closer Look at a Hidden Affliction 

    When it comes to the health of our cats, we monitor their fur, their eyes, and their overall well-being. But what about the health of their teeth? A particular condition that can secretly spread in the mouths of our cats is Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesion, known as FORL. This dental disease is both insidious and painful, and often remains undetected until it has significantly progressed. In this article, we have summarized what every cat owner should know. ...

    Reading Time: 3 Min.



Every bite makes a difference

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  • 326

    1. December 2023

    Growing Your Own Catnip: Creating a Paradise for House Cats 

    For cat owners, it's no secret: Catnip, also known as Nepeta cataria, is the gourmet spice in the lives of our fluffy companions. But what exactly does this herb do to cats, which varieties are especially popular, and how can you grow catnip in your own garden or on your balcony? Let's dive into the world of this fascinating herb. ...

    Reading Time: 4 Min.

  • 610

    27. November 2023

    Herbal ABC for Guinea Pigs: Natural Variety for Your Furry Friends’ Health 

    Herbs aren't just indispensable in the kitchen for us humans - guinea pigs also benefit from the flavor and health benefits that fresh herbs can offer. In this blog article, we delve into the herbal ABCs for guinea pigs and discover which herbs are particularly good for your little friends and how you can incorporate them into their diet. ...

    Reading Time: 5 Min.

  • 322

    23. November 2023

    Beef Fat Powder – A Supplement for Poor Feed Intake and Weight Loss

    You might be familiar with the scenario: Your livestock isn't eating well and is losing weight. This can have various causes and is a concern not only for the animal itself but also for you as a farmer or pet owner. Here, beef fat powder can be an effective solution to support the health of your animals and help them gain weight. ...

    Reading Time: 4 Min.

  • 429

    19. November 2023

    Making or Buying Dog Food? – A Guide for Dog Owners

    As a dog owner, you're often faced with the decision: Should I buy ready-made food for my furry friend or cook it myself? Both options have their pros and cons that need to be weighed. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the differences so you can make the best decision for your furry friend. ...

    Reading Time: 6 Min.


Pet Care

Live together, grow together

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  • 429

    25. January 2024

    7 Fun Facts About Ferrets

    Ferrets are not only fascinating and lively pets, but they're also sources of many interesting and amusing anecdotes. Here are seven fascinating and fun facts about ferrets. ...

    Reading Time: 2 Min.

  • 416

    23. January 2024

    Siamese Fighting Fish: A Showstopper in Every Aquarium 

    Aquarium enthusiasts are well acquainted with the captivating world of Siamese Fighting Fish. These small, colorful jewels of the underwater realm are beloved not only for their beauty but also for their intriguing behavior and unique biological features. In this article, we dive into the world of Siamese Fighting Fish and discover what makes them so special. ...

    Reading Time: 3 Min.

  • 433

    16. January 2024

    Bunny Hopping: Fun and Games for Long-Eared Friends

    Kaninhop is a sport for rabbits, similar to horse jumping or dog agility. The rabbits hop over obstacles of varying heights and lengths. Originating in Sweden in the 1970s, Kaninhop has now become a popular recreational activity for rabbits and their owners in many countries. ...

    Reading Time: 2 Min.

  • 424

    15. January 2024

    Green Invasion: Tackling Algae with Natural Methods 

    Algae in your garden pond can transform from a pleasant green to a real nuisance. In this article, you'll discover what algae are, why they might overrun your pond, and how you can naturally keep them under control. ...

    Reading Time: 2 Min.



The wonderful world of special moments

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    28. December 2023

    New Year’s Stress: How to Make it Easier for Your Cat 

    New Year's Eve – a night full of celebrations and joy for us humans, can be a source of stress and anxiety for our four-legged friends. The loud fireworks and firecrackers are especially burdensome for cats, who are very sensitive to noise. Here are some tips on how you can calm your cat and make the transition into the new year as pleasant as possible for them. ...

    Reading Time: 3 Min.

  • 328

    20. December 2023

    Holiday Season – Hazard Season: How to Protect Your Pet 

    The holiday season not only brings festive cheer and joy into our homes but, unfortunately, it also introduces potential dangers for our beloved pets. Glittering tinsel on the Christmas tree and colorful gift ribbons can pique the curiosity of our four-legged friends. What sparkles and rustles attracts cats and dogs as if by magic, but it carries serious risks if ingested. Here you will learn how to protect your pets from these dangers during this contemplative time. ...

    Reading Time: 3 Min.

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    16. December 2023

    The Oldest Cat in the World: A Look at Long-Lived Felines

    Cat lovers around the world are often fascinated by the longevity of their beloved pets. They ask questions like, "How old can a cat actually become?" and "What is the secret to their longevity?" In this article, we look at the stories of some of the world's oldest cats and discover what might contribute to their remarkable lifespan. ...

    Reading Time: 3 Min.

  • 326

    6. December 2023

    Gifts from the Heart: Meaningful Gift Ideas for Our Pets 

    Dear pet owners, while we shower our faithful companions with love and attention all year round, holidays like St. Nicholas' Day or Christmas provide a special opportunity to extend our generosity to those who need it most – the animals in the local animal shelter. ...

    Reading Time: 2 Min.
