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Are you looking for a creative and healthy way to feed your rabbits or guinea pigs? A feeding tree is not just an eye-catching feature in their enclosure, but it also provides exciting enrichment for your furry friends. In this blog post, you’ll learn how to create your own feeding tree and what you need to consider. 

What is a Feeding Tree? 

A feeding tree is essentially a “snack station” for your small rodents. It consists of a trunk with various branches where you can hang fresh fruit, vegetables, or hay. The concept is that the animals must “work” for their food by climbing up the branches or stretching to reach their snacks. This encourages natural movement and stimulates their play instinct. 

Advantages of a Feeding Tree 

  • Activating the Hunting Instinct: In the wild, rabbits and guinea pigs would forage for their food, sometimes traveling short distances. The feeding tree mimics this behavior and promotes natural instincts. 
  • Healthy Movement: Attempting to reach the treats provides more exercise for your pets, keeping them fit and healthy. 
  • Mental Stimulation: Engaging with the feeding tree is a great mental exercise, preventing boredom and contributing to mental well-being. 
  • Tooth Wear: Gnawing on harder treats or the wood of the tree naturally wears down the rodents’ continuously growing teeth. 
  • Stress Reduction: Proper enrichment can reduce stress and enhance overall well-being. 

DIY Guide: Build a Feeding Tree for Your Little Friends 

Want to build an exciting feeding tree for your rabbits or guinea pigs? Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think! Here you’ll find an easy-to-understand guide that’s also doable for beginners. 

Step 1: Gathering Materials

First, you’ll need the right materials: 

Branches of an apple tree with multiple green apples
© timmossholder342428 –
  • Wood: Choose a non-toxic wood that can withstand some nibbling. Fruit tree wood like apple or pear is ideal because it’s safe for your pets and you might even be able to find it for free in your area. 
  • Saw: For cutting branches and the trunk to the right size. 
  • Drill: If you need to make holes to attach the branches. 
  • Sandpaper: To smooth out any sharp edges and splinters. 
  • Sisal rope or cotton cord: For hanging food. 

Step 2: Assembling the Feeding Tree  

  • Select a trunk: The trunk is like the body of the tree. It should be thick and strong enough to support the branches, similar to the thickness of a broomstick or thicker. 
  • Arrange the branches: Position the branches so that they spread out from the trunk like on a real tree. They should not be too high to prevent your animals from falling and getting injured. 
  • Attachment: When attaching the branches to the trunk, you can either glue them or, if you’re handy, drill small holes and secure the branches with screws. 

Step 3: Securely Attaching Food Types 

  • Choose food: Cut fruits and vegetables into bite-sized pieces. 
  • Attach food: Tie the sisal rope around the food and knot it securely to the branches. Ensure there are no loose ends that your pets could injure themselves on. 

Step 4: Finding the Perfect Spot 

  • Choose a location: Your feeding tree should be easily accessible but not too close to your pets’ sleeping area so as not to disturb them. 
  • Light and shade: Make sure the feeding tree is partially in the shade to prevent the food from wilting too quickly. 

Step 5: Safety First 

  • Check stability: Shake the tree to make sure everything is secure. 
  • Regular checks: Inspect the tree every day to see if any parts are loose or if the wood is splintering. 

What Belongs on the Feeding Tree? 

You can hang a variety of treats on your feeding tree that are not only tasty but also promote the health of your fluffy friends. Here are some creative ideas that bring variety to the daily diet: 

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: 

Sliced vegetables on a wooden board
© Andres Ramos –
  • Apple rings that you’ve dried beforehand for a crispy snack.  
  • Carrot slices that look like tree decorations.  
  • Fresh branches of vegetables like broccoli or cauliflower that serve as mini-trees. 

Hay and Herbs: 

  • Hay garlands that you artfully wrap around the branches.  
  • Bundles of fragrant herbs like parsley, basil, or dill that contribute to stimulation and digestion.  
  • Dried leaves of safe foliage that serve as rustling material. 

Special Feed: 

  •  Dried vegetable chips that offer a crispy surprise.
  • ndividual pellets that you can hide to awaken the spirit of discovery.  
  • Healthy baked goods specially made for small animals, such as crackers or cookies, dangling from the branches. 

Natural Snacks: 

  • Branches with leaves and edible flowers that encourage natural foraging.  
  • Tufts of grass attached to the ends of the branches inviting to be plucked.  
  • Untreated pieces of wood for gnawing that also contribute to dental care. 

However, don’t forget to adjust the size and weight of the treats to the feeding tree so that it doesn’t tip over. Ensure that all treats are securely attached so that your animals do not endanger themselves while snacking. 


A feeding tree is a fantastic enrichment for the lives of your rabbits or guinea pigs. It not only supports a healthy diet but also offers an exciting activity and contributes to physical and mental health. With a little creativity and craftsmanship, you can delight your pets and simultaneously contribute to their well-being. Give it a try and watch your animals explore their new feeding tree with enthusiasm! 



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