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Budgies are popular and colorful pets, which bring joy to many households with their lively nature and chirping. But how do you ensure that these little birds not only feel comfortable with us but also lead a species-appropriate and happy life? In this article, we’ll discuss how to best accommodate your feathered friend.

1. The Cage – The Budgie’s Home

Let’s start with the most important aspect: the cage. It serves as the primary residence for your budgie and should therefore be adequately large and well-equipped. A cage that’s too small can lead to behavioral disorders and health issues.


For a budgie, the cage should be at least 60 cm long, 40 cm deep, and 60 cm high. For two birds, it should be correspondingly larger. Remember: Longer is better than taller since budgies fly horizontally.


An essential part of the cage is perches. Ideally, you should opt for natural wood. Natural wood perches have the advantage of having irregular shapes and structures, which trains the budgie’s foot muscles and provides variety. Additionally, birds can gnaw on natural wood, which corresponds to their natural behavior. 

Another vital point in cage equipment is toys. Budgies are curious and need stimulation. Toys like swings, ladders, or bells promote their mental activity and provide entertainment. 

Find out more on this topic at “Flying Leisure: The Top Toys for Your Budgie” 

Of course, food and water dishes are a must. It’s advisable to place them in such a way that the bird does not contaminate its food or water with droppings. Regular cleaning of the dishes is also essential to prevent diseases. 

For the well-being of your feathered friend, you should avoid plastic perches. They are not only unnaturally hard but also have a smooth surface, straining the bird’s feet unnecessarily. In the long run, such perches can lead to foot problems and deformities. Another disadvantage is that plastic perches provide no engagement in the form of gnawing and can heat up under intense sunlight, which can lead to burns on the delicate bird feet.

Two budgies sitting on a branch
© RitaE –

2. Cage Placement

Choosing the right location for the cage in your home is of paramount importance. This spot should provide a sense of calmness, allowing your budgie to retreat and relax. On the other hand, it shouldn’t be too isolated. Budgies are social creatures that relish companionship and interaction with their human friends. A location where the bird can observe the family’s daily activities entertains it and gives it a sense of being involved. 

However, direct sunlight on the cage can be problematic. Although budgies love natural light and require it for their health, consistent, direct sunlight can overheat the cage, leading to heat stroke in the bird. Therefore, it’s advisable to place the cage in a spot where it gets daylight but isn’t exposed to direct sun throughout the day. 

Drafts can also be harmful to budgies. They are sensitive to sudden temperature changes, and constant drafts can lead to colds or respiratory illnesses. For the same reason, the cage shouldn’t be placed right next to radiators, as they produce dry air, potentially irritating the bird’s delicate respiratory system. 

3. Free Flight – Essential for Every Budgie

For budgies, movement is essential. Daily free flight not only allows them to strengthen their muscles and practice their flying abilities, but also to explore their surroundings from a different perspective. This activity enhances both their physical and mental health and significantly contributes to their overall well-being. 

Budgie sitting on a tablet
© Mullerelles –

However, before granting your budgie free flight, it’s crucial to ensure the environment he’s flying in is safe. Windows should always be closed to prevent the bird from accidentally flying into them or even escaping. Clear windows can be misleading for birds, as they often don’t recognize them. Some bird owners hang light curtains or mesh curtains to prevent this. 

The potential toxicity of house plants should not be underestimated. Many common houseplants can be toxic to birds if they nibble on them. Hence, it’s advisable either to remove plants from the room or ensure they’re out of reach. 

Other pets, especially cats and dogs, should not be in the same room during the budgie’s free flight. Even if they seem peaceful towards the bird, their natural instincts can be triggered, potentially leading to dangerous situations.

4. Companionship

Budgies are flock birds and are most comfortable in the company. It’s recommended to keep at least two budgies. However, ensure they get along well and have ample space in the cage.

Two budgies cuddling
© Foto-Rabe –

5. Fütterung und Beschäftigung 

A balanced diet of grain food, fresh fruits, and vegetables keeps your budgie healthy. Toys and regular interaction enhance mental activity and prevent boredom. 

Learn more on this topic in our article “From Grains to Fruit: The Ideal Food for Your Budgie” 


A happy budgie requires not only a suitable cage but also opportunities for free flight, companionship, and a balanced diet. With a little care and attention, you can ensure your feathered friend leads a long, healthy, and content life with you. 

