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Choosing the first pet for a child is an exciting decision that can have a significant impact on the child’s development. A pet can not only be a loyal friend but also teach valuable lessons in empathy, responsibility, and care. In this article, we look at which pets are particularly suitable for children, at what age children are ready to take responsibility for a pet, and how different pets can contribute to the development of important social and emotional skills.

Promoting Emotional and Social Development 

Caring for a pet offers an excellent opportunity to foster empathy, patience, and responsibility. Children learn to recognize and respond to their pet’s needs. Regular tasks such as feeding, cleaning, and grooming help develop routine, reliability, and a sense of duty. Additionally, pets can help children develop compassion and understanding for other living beings. Thus, a pet can become a valuable part of a child’s growth and learning, preparing them for future responsibilities in life.

The Right Age for a Pet in a Child’s Room 

The ideal age for a pet in a child’s room depends on the child’s maturity and sense of responsibility. Generally, children aged 7 or 8 are ready to take on basic care tasks under parental supervision. It is important for children to understand that a pet is a living being with needs, not a short-term entertainment.

Which Pets Are Suitable for a Child’s Room? 

While the family dog is often a loyal companion for all family members, a pet in a child’s room holds a special significance for the child. It is not only a friend and playmate but also the first step into the world of responsibility for a young child. But which animals are suitable for a child’s room? Here are five animal suggestions for you!

1. Goldfish: A Gentle Introduction to Pet Care 

3 goldfish in a fish tank
© Pexels-

Goldfish are an ideal introductory pet for children, especially younger ones around 5 years old, as their care is relatively simple. Children can actively participate in daily feeding, learn how to monitor water quality, and understand the importance of regular aquarium cleaning. These routine tasks help children develop a sense of regular responsibility without overwhelming them.

Observing goldfish also offers a calming experience and can introduce children to the world of aquatics. Children quickly learn that these small creatures have their own needs and behaviors, which contributes to the development of empathy and care. Goldfish teach children the importance of consistency and routine in care, important skills that are applicable in many areas of life.

While goldfish require less direct interaction than other pets, their colorful presence and gentle movements in the water bring much joy and can spark an interest in the underwater world. They are perfect for families looking for a low-maintenance yet educational pet for their children.

2. Guinea Pigs: Cuddly Teachers  

Girl with guinea pig on meadow
© Pezibear –

Guinea pigs are adorable pets that are excellent for children around 7 years old. These small rodents are not only cute and fluffy but are also known for their friendly and gentle nature. They are social, interactive, and enjoy human company and petting, providing children the opportunity to build an emotional bond.

Their calm demeanor makes them ideal pets for children seeking a gentle and interactive animal experience. By caring for a guinea pig, children learn important aspects of pet ownership, such as regular feeding, cage cleaning, and the importance of fresh water.

Guinea pigs are social animals and should not be kept alone. Ideally, they should be housed with one or more suitable companions. A combination that works well is keeping two females or a neutered male and a female together.

3. Hamsters: Little Explorers for Responsible Children  

Hamster sitting in the Hands of a boy
© Cparks –

Hamsters are popular pets for children and are particularly suitable for kids around 8 years old. These small rodents are not only cute and entertaining to watch but also have an interesting nocturnal activity that can fascinate children. Caring for a hamster involves daily feeding, regular cage cleaning, and providing fresh water, which helps children develop a sense of routine and care.

Having a hamster as a pet also teaches children to respect the needs and life rhythm of another being. Due to the hamster’s nocturnal activity, children learn to be considerate during the day and allow their small friend to rest during its sleeping hours. This experience can foster the development of empathy and patience.

Additionally, hamsters are easy to care for and do not require much space, making them ideal pets for a child’s room. Their habitat also offers children the opportunity to learn how to create and maintain a suitable and safe home for a pet. Interaction with a hamster can be very rewarding for children, as they experience the joy of caring for and observing a pet without being overwhelmed by too intensive care requirements.

Please note that the life expectancy of a hamster is about three years, which means that your child will likely face the topics of farewell and grief in the foreseeable future.

4. Budgerigars: Colorful and Friendly Companions in the Child’s Room 

3 budgies on a child's hand eating an apple
© webandi –

Budgerigars, often recommended as an ideal pet for children from 9 years old, are popular not only for their vibrant colors and charming personalities but also for their friendliness. Compared to other small birds like canaries, budgerigars are often more interactive and can form a closer bond with their human companions. With patience and regular, gentle interaction, these small birds can become tame and even learn to perch on a hand or mimic simple words.

Caring for a budgerigar involves daily feeding, cleaning the cage, and providing fresh water. These tasks help children develop a sense of responsibility and routine. Additionally, caring for a budgerigar offers an excellent opportunity to expand knowledge about the needs of birds and develop an awareness of pet care in general.

Budgerigars are social animals and feel most comfortable when they have the company of another budgerigar. Therefore, it is recommended to keep two birds so that they do not feel lonely. This also provides the opportunity to observe and understand the social behavior of birds.

Please note that budgerigars, compared to hamsters and goldfish, can be somewhat noisier. Their chirping and singing can be lively, which some children might find delightful, while others may find it distracting. Families should consider this aspect before deciding on a budgerigar for the child’s room.

5. Turtles: Slow and Fascinating Companions

Small turtle on a hand
© katyveldhorst – pixabay-com

Turtles are unique pets that are particularly suitable for older children around 10 years old. These quiet reptiles offer an exceptional opportunity to learn about caring for exotic animals. The responsibility for a turtle includes not only regular feeding and cleaning of their habitat but also maintaining appropriate climate and lighting conditions, introducing children to the fascinating world of biology and ecology.

Turtles are ideal for children seeking a less interactive but still enriching pet. They are less demanding in daily interaction than some other pets but require continuous, careful care to ensure they lead a healthy and happy life.

Please note that depending on the species, a turtle can live between 20 to 120 years. Such a long lifespan means long-term responsibility and commitment.


A pet can be a wonderful addition to a child’s life, offering valuable opportunities for learning and personal growth. When choosing a pet, it is important to select an animal that fits the family’s lifestyle and is suitable for the child’s age and abilities. With the right support and guidance, pets can not only bring joy but also teach valuable life lessons.



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