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  • Nose Work Made Easy: Everything About Snuffle Mats for Dogs

    16. September 2023


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    Dogs possess an impressively powerful sense of smell. Indeed, in recent years, it has become increasingly apparent how essential it is for the well-being and mental stimulation of our four-legged friends to regularly engage their noses. An innovative way to do this is through snuffle mats. But what exactly are they, and how can they benefit your dog? Dive into the world of nose work with us! ...

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    Uncovering Feeding Myths: Should Table Scraps Be on the Pet Menu? 

    15. September 2023


    Reading Time: 5 Min.

    Pets are family members. Hence, it's not unusual that we might want to give them a bite from our plate now and then, especially when those big eyes are watching us eat. But should we really do that? There are many opinions and myths surrounding the question of whether table scraps are suitable for pets. Let's debunk some of these myths and find out what should truly be included in your pet's menu. ...

  • From Cage to Free Flight: How to Keep Your Budgie Happy at Home

    14. September 2023


    Reading Time: 4 Min.

    Budgies are popular and colorful pets, which bring joy to many households with their lively nature and chirping. But how do you ensure that these little birds not only feel comfortable with us but also lead a species-appropriate and happy life? In this article, we'll discuss how to best accommodate your feathered friend. ...

  • Stung! How to React Properly to Insect Bites in Dogs

    13. September 2023


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    The warm months lure not only us humans outdoors, but also a multitude of insects. Whether on a walk, in the garden, or during playtime - dogs are not always immune to insect stings. In this blog post, you'll learn how to best respond when your four-legged friend has been stung by an insect.  ...

  • Cats on the Hunt: All About Interactive Laser Pointers

    12. September 2023


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    Cats are natural hunters, and many cat owners know how important it is to provide their feline friends with ample entertainment and the opportunity to hunt. A popular tool in this context is the interactive laser pointer. But what makes it so special? And are there any risks? Dive with us into the world of laser-based cat games.  ...

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    Baking Fun with Bello: Homemade Dog Treat Recipes 

    11. September 2023


    Reading Time: 4 Min.

    The baking trend has now reached the world of our four-legged friends. If you want to spoil your dog with homemade treats, you've come to the right place. The benefits? You know exactly what's inside, can cater to your dog's individual needs and preferences, and it's a lot of fun as well. Here are two simple, yet delicious dog treat recipes to try out.  ...

  • Forever in the Heart: The Special Day of Remembering Deceased Pets

    10. September 2023


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    Our pets are not merely animals living in our homes. They are an integral part of our families.  ...

  • Free from Fleas and Ticks: How to Optimize Protection for Your Dog and Cat

    9. September 2023


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    Fleas and ticks are not just annoying parasites; they can also transmit various diseases to our beloved pets. The warm months, in particular, bring many of these tiny pests, but even in winter, they can cause problems for our animals. Therefore, it's essential to protect your dog and cat optimally. In this article, you will receive valuable tips to effectively ward off fleas and ticks. ...

  • Fun and Games in the Cage: The Best Toys for Your Hamster

    8. September 2023


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    Hamsters are naturally curious and active little creatures who love to move around and explore their surroundings. Especially in their cage environment, it's important to provide them with a variety of stimuli to promote their physical and mental health. Here, we introduce some of the best toys that are sure to delight your hamster. ...

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    From Grains to Fruit: The Ideal Food for Your Budgie 

    7. September 2023


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    Budgies are charismatic little birds, not only captivating with their vibrant colors but also with their lively nature. Just like all pets, the right diet plays a crucial role in their health and well-being. But what do budgies really love to eat and what is healthy for them? Here, we provide an overview of the ideal food for your feathered friend.  ...

  • Aquarium Design: How to Create the Ideal Underwater World for Your Fish

    6. September 2023


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    An aquarium is not just a container for water and fish, but it can also be a masterful work of art that brings life, beauty, and nature into your home. Designing an aquarium, also known as aquascaping, is an art form that uses natural materials to create breathtaking underwater landscapes. Here are some tips and tricks to create the ideal underwater world for your fish.  ...

  • Sick Fish in the Home Aquarium: When is a Visit to the Veterinarian Necessary?

    5. September 2023


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    Anyone who owns a home aquarium knows that fish are not only easy-to-care-for pets but also sensitive creatures that require special attention. Just like all animals, fish can get sick, which is often noticeable through changes in their behavior, appearance, or environment. But when exactly should one take a sick fish to the vet? Here are some hints and tips to ensure the well-being of your scaly friend.  ...



The wonderful world of special moments

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