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  • 450

    Snack Time Underwater: The Best Treats for Your Fish 

    27. September 2023


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    The nutrition of our aquarium fish is crucial for their health, growth, and overall well-being. While we often consider the staple food for our fish, snacks and treats are just as essential to introduce variety into their diet and provide specific nutrients. But which snacks are the best? Dive with us into the world of aquatic delicacies! ...

  • The Axolotl in Home Aquariums: Requirements and Tips for Proper Care 

    26. September 2023


    Reading Time: 4 Min.

    Axolotls, also known as Mexican walking fish, are fascinating aquatic creatures that have become increasingly popular as aquarium pets in recent years. With their fringed-like gills and their ability to regenerate limbs, they are truly a sight to behold. But how do you properly care for this unique salamander at home? In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of the requirements and tips for the proper care of Axolotls. ...

  • 460

    The Right Food for Older Dogs: Managing Weight Effectively

    25. September 2023


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    Our dogs are loyal companions who bring joy over many years. But just as with humans, their needs change as they age. One of the most common challenges for older dogs is weight control. A tailored diet and balanced nutrition can help maintain an ideal weight and prevent health issues. In this article, we provide tips and advice on the proper nutrition for older dogs. ...

  • Hamster Ball on Review: The Pros and Cons 

    24. September 2023


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    Hamsters are curious, active animals that love to explore their surroundings. Some owners offer their little companions a hamster ball as an entertainment option. But is this really a good idea? In this article, we take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of hamster balls and provide tips for safe use. ...

  • Hop, Hop, Hooray! A Happy International Rabbit Day 

    23. September 2023


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    Fluffy ears, cute snouts, and enchanting hopping motions – rabbits are undoubtedly some of the most charming creatures in the animal kingdom. Every year, there's a special day dedicated just to them: International Rabbit Day. This day not only celebrates the existence of these adorable animals but also highlights the challenges they face in today's world. ...

  • World Rhino Day: United Against Poaching and for Conservation 

    22. September 2023


    Reading Time: 4 Min.

    Every year on September 22nd, World Rhino Day is celebrated - a special day that draws global attention to the urgent need to protect the five species of rhinos and combat poaching. Rhinos are majestic creatures, representing a distinctive profile in the animal kingdom. Yet, despite their strength and uniqueness, they are endangered. ...

  • Calming Aids in New Situations: A Look at Feliway, Adaptil, and Co.

    21. September 2023


    Reading Time: 8 Min.

    Animals, much like humans, are creatures of habit. Changes, big or small, can be sources of stress, uncertainty, and even fear for them. Whether it's a move, introducing a new animal into the household, or even minor adjustments like a new furniture arrangement – all these can affect the well-being of our pets. ...

  • Kong Classic: A Toy, A Legend – Over 40 Years of Canine Joy 

    20. September 2023


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    For over four decades, the Kong Classic has been an integral part of the lives of many dogs and their owners worldwide. What started as a simple red toy has become a staple in many canine households. This distinctive snowman-shaped toy has accompanied and delighted generations of dogs. The Kong Classic's durability and versatility have earned it a special place in the hearts of dog owners and their furry friends. ...

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    Unsafe Snacks: These Foods Are Dangerous for Cats

    19. September 2023


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    Cats are beloved family members for many people, and it's only natural that we'd want to share some of our food with them from time to time. However, not everything that is harmless or even healthy for humans is safe for cats. Some foods can be toxic and even fatal for our furry friends. Therefore, it's essential to know which foods you should never give to your cat. ...

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    Delicious Creations: Making Cat Treats Easily at Home 

    19. September 2023


    Reading Time: 4 Min.

    Cats are not only fascinating and loving companions, they're also little gourmets. Even if they enjoy their standard food, there are moments when they deserve something special. Have you ever thought about making cat treats yourself? Homemade treats are not only healthy but also allow you to know exactly what your furry friend is consuming. Here are some simple recipes to delight your cat's palate! ...

  • Holiday Time, Dog Time: Your Guide to Worry-Free Travel with Your Dog

    18. September 2023


    Reading Time: 11 Min.

    The sun is shining, the suitcase is packed, and the excitement for the holiday is building. But what about the four-legged family member? For many dog owners, it's a given that their beloved pet will come along on holiday. With the right preparation and a few tips, the trip together can be a complete success. Here's your guide to worry-free travel with your dog. ...

  • Beware, Poisonous! Houseplants Dangerous for Cats 

    17. September 2023


    Reading Time: 4 Min.

    Every cat owner knows just how curious and playful these little four-legged friends can be. Their inclination to sniff, chew, and play with anything they come across can become dangerous when they encounter poisonous plants. Unknown dangers often lurk in our homes in the form of houseplants toxic to cats. In this article, we'll shed light on some of the most common poisonous houseplants and provide tips on how to protect your feline friend. ...



The wonderful world of special moments

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