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  • Intelligence Toys for Parrots: Keeping Your Feathered Friend Active and Fit

    17. January 2024


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    Parrots are not only colorful and social birds, they are also among the most intelligent animal species. Their high intelligence and curiosity require regular mental stimulation. This is where intelligence toys come into play. In this article, you'll learn why intelligence toys are so important for parrots and how to choose the right toy for your feathered friend. ...

  • Bunny Hopping: Fun and Games for Long-Eared Friends

    16. January 2024


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    Kaninhop is a sport for rabbits, similar to horse jumping or dog agility. The rabbits hop over obstacles of varying heights and lengths. Originating in Sweden in the 1970s, Kaninhop has now become a popular recreational activity for rabbits and their owners in many countries. ...

  • Green Invasion: Tackling Algae with Natural Methods 

    15. January 2024


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    Algae in your garden pond can transform from a pleasant green to a real nuisance. In this article, you'll discover what algae are, why they might overrun your pond, and how you can naturally keep them under control. ...

  • We Celebrate ‘Dress Up Your Pet Day’ 

    14. January 2024


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    'Dress Up Your Pet Day' is a fun holiday celebrated annually on January 14th. It was initiated in 2009 by the American animal advocate Colleen Paige. Ever since, pet owners have been encouraged to dress their pets – usually dogs and cats – in funny or extravagant costumes. ...

  • Frosty Danger: Protecting Your Dog from Snow Gastritis 

    13. January 2024


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    As the first snowflakes fall and wrap the world in a wintry white, it marks an exciting time for many dogs. However, what starts as fun frolicking in the snow can sometimes lead to health problems – one of which is known as snow gastritis. ...

  • 5 Activities for Your Dog in Winter: Fun and Exercise Despite the Cold 

    12. January 2024


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    Winter can be a challenging time for dog owners. The days are shorter, and the weather is often cold and wet. But don't worry! There are many ways to keep your four-legged friend active and happy even in the cold season. Here are five great winter activities for your dog. ...

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    Feeding Garden Birds in Winter: Your Guide for the Cold Season 

    11. January 2024


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    Are you a nature lover and want to know how you can help garden birds through the cold winter? In winter, when food is scarce, our feathered friends can use all the support they can get. Here you'll learn how to properly feed garden birds and accompany them through the cold season. ...

  • How Old Do Our Pets Get? – The Lifespan of Popular Animal Species 

    10. January 2024


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    Pets are not just companions for many people, but a part of the family. Therefore, the question of the life expectancy of our animal companions is not only interesting but also important to understand how best to care for them. In this article, we take a look at the average lifespan of ten popular pet species. ...

  • Do Pets Hibernate? Your Guide to Winter Rest 

    9. January 2024


    Reading Time: 6 Min.

    Are you also fascinated by nature and how animals behave in winter? Have you ever wondered if pets, like wild animals, hibernate? In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey of discovery into the world of hibernation and explain what it means for our pets. ...

  • Why Pets Make Us Healthier and Happier: The Positive Impact of Furry Friends 

    8. January 2024


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    Pets are more than just companions – they enrich our lives in many ways. Studies have shown that the presence of a pet not only boosts our emotional well-being but also brings measurable health benefits. In this article, we take a look at why pets make us healthier and happier. ...

  • Warning Signs: How to Tell if Your Hamster is Sick 

    7. January 2024


    Reading Time: 4 Min.

    When you welcome a small, fluffy friend into your home, you take on a big responsibility for its well-being. Hamsters are resilient little creatures, but they can get sick too. It's important to know what to look out for to ensure your hamster stays healthy and happy. In this article, you'll learn how to tell if your hamster is ill and what to do in such cases. ...

  • Aquarium in the Children’s Room: Yes or No?

    6. January 2024


    Reading Time: 5 Min.

    An aquarium in a child's room can be a source of joy and an introduction to the responsibility of caring for a living creature. It offers children the opportunity to experience the fascinating underwater world right in their own room. Yet, an aquarium is more than just a decorative element; it requires careful maintenance and responsibility. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of having an aquarium in a child's room and discuss the age at which children are ready to take on this responsibility. ...



The wonderful world of special moments

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    28. December 2023

    New Year’s Stress: How to Make it Easier for Your Cat 

    New Year's Eve – a night full of celebrations and joy for us humans, can be a source of stress and anxiety for our four-legged friends. The loud fireworks and firecrackers are especially burdensome for cats, who are very sensitive to noise. Here are some tips on how you can calm your cat and make the transition into the new year as pleasant as possible for them. ...

    Reading Time: 3 Min.

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    20. December 2023

    Holiday Season – Hazard Season: How to Protect Your Pet 

    The holiday season not only brings festive cheer and joy into our homes but, unfortunately, it also introduces potential dangers for our beloved pets. Glittering tinsel on the Christmas tree and colorful gift ribbons can pique the curiosity of our four-legged friends. What sparkles and rustles attracts cats and dogs as if by magic, but it carries serious risks if ingested. Here you will learn how to protect your pets from these dangers during this contemplative time. ...

    Reading Time: 3 Min.

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    16. December 2023

    The Oldest Cat in the World: A Look at Long-Lived Felines

    Cat lovers around the world are often fascinated by the longevity of their beloved pets. They ask questions like, "How old can a cat actually become?" and "What is the secret to their longevity?" In this article, we look at the stories of some of the world's oldest cats and discover what might contribute to their remarkable lifespan. ...

    Reading Time: 3 Min.

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    6. December 2023

    Gifts from the Heart: Meaningful Gift Ideas for Our Pets 

    Dear pet owners, while we shower our faithful companions with love and attention all year round, holidays like St. Nicholas' Day or Christmas provide a special opportunity to extend our generosity to those who need it most – the animals in the local animal shelter. ...

    Reading Time: 2 Min.


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