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So far Poppi has created 86 blog entries.

Cats on the Hunt: All About Interactive Laser Pointers

Cats are natural hunters, and many cat owners know how important it is to provide their feline friends with ample entertainment and the opportunity to hunt. A popular tool in this context is the interactive laser pointer. But what makes it so special? And are there any risks? Dive with us into the world of laser-based cat games. 

By |12. September 2023|Categories: Pet Toys|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Cats on the Hunt: All About Interactive Laser Pointers

Free from Fleas and Ticks: How to Optimize Protection for Your Dog and Cat

Fleas and ticks are not just annoying parasites; they can also transmit various diseases to our beloved pets. The warm months, in particular, bring many of these tiny pests, but even in winter, they can cause problems for our animals. Therefore, it's essential to protect your dog and cat optimally. In this article, you will receive valuable tips to effectively ward off fleas and ticks.

By |9. September 2023|Categories: Health|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Free from Fleas and Ticks: How to Optimize Protection for Your Dog and Cat

Aquarium Design: How to Create the Ideal Underwater World for Your Fish

An aquarium is not just a container for water and fish, but it can also be a masterful work of art that brings life, beauty, and nature into your home. Designing an aquarium, also known as aquascaping, is an art form that uses natural materials to create breathtaking underwater landscapes. Here are some tips and tricks to create the ideal underwater world for your fish. 

By |6. September 2023|Categories: Pet Care|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Aquarium Design: How to Create the Ideal Underwater World for Your Fish

Fish Food Facts: What Our Swimming Friends Really Eat

The underwater world captivates many of us. It's characterized by a remarkable variety of fish, each with their unique dietary needs. But what do we truly know about fish food and what our finned friends really consume? This blog post aims to shed some light.

By |3. September 2023|Categories: Diet|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Fish Food Facts: What Our Swimming Friends Really Eat

The ideal hamster diet: What do hamsters like to eat the most?

The right nutrition is crucial for the health and well-being of hamsters. As a responsible hamster owner, you want to ensure that your little friend receives the best possible diet. In this blog post, you will learn what food hamsters prefer to eat and how to ensure a balanced and healthy diet to meet the needs of your hamster.

By |10. July 2023|Categories: Diet|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on The ideal hamster diet: What do hamsters like to eat the most?

Going to Work When the Pet is Sick? – Rights and Options for Employees

Caring for a sick pet is a major challenge for many pet owners. But what happens when you are working and need to take care of the sick animal? What rights do employees have in such a situation? In this article, we take a look at the legal aspects and provide some tips on how to behave as a dog owner in this difficult situation. 

By |30. June 2023|Categories: Health|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Going to Work When the Pet is Sick? – Rights and Options for Employees

Cat Not Eating: Causes and Tips for Support

This article addresses the common problem of a cat suddenly not eating. This can be very distressing for cat owners, as a balanced diet is crucial for the health and well-being of the cat. We will explore the possible causes for loss of appetite in cats and provide practical tips for support.

By |30. June 2023|Categories: Health|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Cat Not Eating: Causes and Tips for Support

Cool Pets that not Everyone has

Pets are not just sweet and loving companions, but also an expression of our individuality. If you're looking for a pet that sets you apart from the crowd and reflects your personality, exotic and unconventional pets are the perfect choice. In this article, we will introduce some extraordinary pets that not everyone has. These fascinating creatures are eye-catching and offer a unique experience of animal ownership for adventurous animal lovers.

By |31. May 2023|Categories: Pet Care|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Cool Pets that not Everyone has

What Dog Toys Are Meaningful? Tips for a Healthy and Happy Engagement

If you're looking for the right toy for your dog, there are a variety of options to choose from. In our blog post, we want to provide you with some tips on selecting the perfect toy for your furry friend and the benefits it can have for their health and well-being. Whether it's plush toys or interactive toys, we're here to help you find the right toy for your dog.

By |7. May 2023|Categories: Pet Toys|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on What Dog Toys Are Meaningful? Tips for a Healthy and Happy Engagement

A Hamster as a New Family Member: What to Consider

Hamsters are popular pets and a wonderful addition to any home. However, before adopting a hamster as a new family member, there are several important factors to consider. In this article, you will learn what to keep in mind to provide your hamster with a happy and healthy life.

By |4. May 2023|Categories: Pet Care|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on A Hamster as a New Family Member: What to Consider
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