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So far Poppi has created 86 blog entries.

The Best Toys for Ferrets: Entertainment and Stimulation for Your Agile Friends

Ferrets are known for their playful nature and tireless spirit of discovery. To satisfy their curiosity and provide sufficient occupation, it is important to offer them a variety of toys. In this article, we present the best toys for ferrets that not only provide fun but also contribute to the mental and physical health of your furry friends.

By |27. January 2024|Categories: Pet Toys|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Best Toys for Ferrets: Entertainment and Stimulation for Your Agile Friends

Intelligence Toys for Parrots: Keeping Your Feathered Friend Active and Fit

Parrots are not only colorful and social birds, they are also among the most intelligent animal species. Their high intelligence and curiosity require regular mental stimulation. This is where intelligence toys come into play. In this article, you'll learn why intelligence toys are so important for parrots and how to choose the right toy for your feathered friend.

By |17. January 2024|Categories: Pet Toys|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Intelligence Toys for Parrots: Keeping Your Feathered Friend Active and Fit

We Celebrate ‘Dress Up Your Pet Day’ 

'Dress Up Your Pet Day' is a fun holiday celebrated annually on January 14th. It was initiated in 2009 by the American animal advocate Colleen Paige. Ever since, pet owners have been encouraged to dress their pets – usually dogs and cats – in funny or extravagant costumes.

By |14. January 2024|Categories: Specials|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on We Celebrate ‘Dress Up Your Pet Day’ 

Warning Signs: How to Tell if Your Hamster is Sick 

When you welcome a small, fluffy friend into your home, you take on a big responsibility for its well-being. Hamsters are resilient little creatures, but they can get sick too. It's important to know what to look out for to ensure your hamster stays healthy and happy. In this article, you'll learn how to tell if your hamster is ill and what to do in such cases.

By |7. January 2024|Categories: Health|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Warning Signs: How to Tell if Your Hamster is Sick 

Aquarium in the Children’s Room: Yes or No?

An aquarium in a child's room can be a source of joy and an introduction to the responsibility of caring for a living creature. It offers children the opportunity to experience the fascinating underwater world right in their own room. Yet, an aquarium is more than just a decorative element; it requires careful maintenance and responsibility. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of having an aquarium in a child's room and discuss the age at which children are ready to take on this responsibility.

By |6. January 2024|Categories: Pet Care|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Aquarium in the Children’s Room: Yes or No?

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Animal Lovers: Make the New Year the Best Year for Your Pet

The New Year is a time for reflection and making resolutions. While we often think about our own goals and desires, we shouldn't forget our loyal animal companions. Here are ten good resolutions for pet owners to start the new year healthy and happy with their furry friends.

By |31. December 2023|Categories: Specials|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Animal Lovers: Make the New Year the Best Year for Your Pet

The Oldest Cat in the World: A Look at Long-Lived Felines

Cat lovers around the world are often fascinated by the longevity of their beloved pets. They ask questions like, "How old can a cat actually become?" and "What is the secret to their longevity?" In this article, we look at the stories of some of the world's oldest cats and discover what might contribute to their remarkable lifespan.

By |16. December 2023|Categories: Specials|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Oldest Cat in the World: A Look at Long-Lived Felines

The World of Horses: An Exploration of the Diversity of Horse Breeds 

Horses have shaped the course of history like few other animals. They have been faithful companions in war, indispensable helpers in agriculture, and remain valued partners in sports and leisure activities to this day. The variety of horse breeds is as wide-ranging as their areas of application. Let's dive into the world of horses and discover some of the most fascinating breeds.

By |14. December 2023|Categories: Pet Care|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on The World of Horses: An Exploration of the Diversity of Horse Breeds 

Cat Disease FORL: A Closer Look at a Hidden Affliction 

When it comes to the health of our cats, we monitor their fur, their eyes, and their overall well-being. But what about the health of their teeth? A particular condition that can secretly spread in the mouths of our cats is Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesion, known as FORL. This dental disease is both insidious and painful, and often remains undetected until it has significantly progressed. In this article, we have summarized what every cat owner should know.

By |12. December 2023|Categories: Health|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Cat Disease FORL: A Closer Look at a Hidden Affliction 

Proper Socialization: How Do I Acclimate My Budgerigar to a New Friend? 

Budgerigars are sociable birds that live in large flocks in the wild. This natural inclination towards sociality makes it important that they are not kept alone in captivity. But how do you introduce a new feathered friend without causing stress or aggression? Here are some steps and tips on how to achieve a harmonious socialization of your budgerigars.

By |29. November 2023|Categories: Pet Care|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Proper Socialization: How Do I Acclimate My Budgerigar to a New Friend? 
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