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So far Miicah has created 103 blog entries.

New Year’s Stress: How to Make it Easier for Your Cat 

New Year's Eve – a night full of celebrations and joy for us humans, can be a source of stress and anxiety for our four-legged friends. The loud fireworks and firecrackers are especially burdensome for cats, who are very sensitive to noise. Here are some tips on how you can calm your cat and make the transition into the new year as pleasant as possible for them.

By |28. December 2023|Categories: Specials|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on New Year’s Stress: How to Make it Easier for Your Cat 

Playtime for Long-Ears: Safe and Stimulating Toys for Rabbits 

Rabbits are curious and intelligent creatures that require not just ample space to hop around, but also mental stimulation. Toys play a crucial role in this. They encourage natural behaviors and contribute to the health and well-being of your rabbit. However, not every toy is safe or suitable. We have summarized for you which toys can make your rabbit happy and what you should look for when choosing them.

By |10. December 2023|Categories: Pet Toys|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Playtime for Long-Ears: Safe and Stimulating Toys for Rabbits 

Basics of Rabbit Care: Everything You Need to Know 

. Rabbits are popular pets that capture the hearts of many with their charming behavior and gentle nature. However, before you provide a new home for rabbits, there are several important aspects to consider. From the necessary equipment to the configuration of the rabbit group – here you will find all the essential information to get started with rabbit care.

By |8. December 2023|Categories: Pet Care|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Basics of Rabbit Care: Everything You Need to Know 

Scratching Posts: Why They Are Essential for Your Cat’s Well-being 

If you share your home with a feline friend, you know that your velvety cohabitant needs more than just food and affection. Scratching posts are indispensable for cats - they are much more than just a piece of furniture. In this article, you’ll discover why a scratching post is a must-have in every cat household.

By |3. December 2023|Categories: Pet Toys|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Scratching Posts: Why They Are Essential for Your Cat’s Well-being 

Herbal ABC for Guinea Pigs: Natural Variety for Your Furry Friends’ Health 

Herbs aren't just indispensable in the kitchen for us humans - guinea pigs also benefit from the flavor and health benefits that fresh herbs can offer. In this blog article, we delve into the herbal ABCs for guinea pigs and discover which herbs are particularly good for your little friends and how you can incorporate them into their diet.

By |27. November 2023|Categories: Diet|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Herbal ABC for Guinea Pigs: Natural Variety for Your Furry Friends’ Health 

Unconventional Companions: Exploring Pets Beyond the Mainstream 

Pets enrich our lives, providing companionship and joy. While many people opt for classic pets like dogs and cats, there's a growing number of animal enthusiasts who long for a more unusual companion. Unique pets can offer a distinct experience and bring new challenges. Let's delve into some of these extraordinary animal friends and what it means to care for them.

By |21. November 2023|Categories: Pet Care|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Unconventional Companions: Exploring Pets Beyond the Mainstream 

Speak the Language of Your Pets: FluentPet Buttons Make It Possible!

Stell dir vor, dein vierbeiniger Freund könnte dir sagen, was in seinem Kopf vorgeht. Dank der FluentPet Talking Buttons wird diese Fantasie Wirklichkeit. Diese innovativen Geräte erlauben es deinem Haustier, mit dir zu "sprechen", indem es Knöpfe drückt, die bestimmten Wörtern zugeordnet sind. Lass uns gemeinsam die Funktionsweise, Vorteile und die unglaublichen Möglichkeiten dieser Technologie erkunden.

By |17. November 2023|Categories: Pet Toys|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Speak the Language of Your Pets: FluentPet Buttons Make It Possible!

Revolution in the Litter Box: Innovative Cat Litter with pH Indicator 

As a cat owner, the well-being of your furry friends is undoubtedly your top priority. Imagine there's now an innovative solution that not only makes caring for the litter box easier but also keeps an eye on your cat's health: cat litter with a pH indicator. This new type of litter can help you detect potential health issues early by making changes in the pH level of the urine visible.

By |15. November 2023|Categories: Health|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Revolution in the Litter Box: Innovative Cat Litter with pH Indicator 

What Rabbits Shouldn’t Eat: A Guide for Concerned Rabbit Owners

Rabbits are adorable and popular pets found in many households all around the world. Their fluffy fur and curious nature make them perfect companions. However, as harmless and innocent as they may appear, when it comes to their diet, there are certain precautions that rabbit owners should absolutely consider. Not everything that looks green and tasty is healthy for them. In this article, we delve into some foods that can be harmful or even toxic to rabbits.

By |12. October 2023|Categories: Diet|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on What Rabbits Shouldn’t Eat: A Guide for Concerned Rabbit Owners

Agility Training for Dogs: A Dynamic Blend of Play and Skill 

The term "Agility" inherently suggests nimbleness and dexterity. Precisely, this is what the sport encapsulates. Over the past few decades, agility has emerged as a globally celebrated canine sport. But what is it all about, and why is it so beneficial for our furry friends? 

By |9. October 2023|Categories: Pet Care|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Agility Training for Dogs: A Dynamic Blend of Play and Skill 
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